Oh hey, Green Pixels has just put up my how-to on streaming media from a PC to a PS3. It’s a surprisingly simple process; see if you don’t agree. Questions? Comments? Leave them in the coments over at GP.
New Feature: 10 Crucial Rock Band Downloads
Oh lookie, Green Pixels has just put up my 10 Crucial Rock Band Downloads feature. This was one of those where you look around in the middle of doing the research and think, “I can’t believe I get paid to do this.”
Let’s fight about my choices. But over there, not here.
New Review: Grand Theft Auto IV
Perhaps you’ve heard of it?
My GTA4 review is now live over at Green Pixels. Spoiler alert: It’s really good. Oh, you don’t think so? Well, why don’t you drop a note in the review’s comments to that effect.
New How-To: Roll Your Own GarageBand Loops
Got a new How-To up over at Mac|Life, regarding GarageBand loops and the creation thereof. Hope you find it useful. Comments off here, please comment there!
More of the Ol’ Ultraviolence
[originally published in The Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine, Issue #105, June 2006]
Last month I touched on the enormous (and heated, and probably eternal) debate about the significance of violence in videogames. It’s not an easy argument to resolve; on one side you have gamers and game makers defending their hobbies and livelihoods, if not their very identities. On the other are a group of concerned citizens honestly believing — however erroneously — that they are protecting the innocent from nefarious forces.
You know what I do for a living, so you can probably guess which side I come down on. I know — from longtime, extensive, personal experience — that videogames do not turn otherwise conscientious, reasonably well-adjusted individuals into slavering, murderous social deviants. It just doesn’t happen. If it did, you and I and just about everyone we know would be in jail.
Furthermore, we can be reasonably assured that the vast majority of the slavering, murderous social deviants of history had very little exposure to videogames. Linear time’s a bitch, baby.
So why all the hubbub? Continue reading “More of the Ol’ Ultraviolence”