5 Replies to “How to Kill the Videogame Industry”

  1. I found it funny that an article in ‘Playboy,’ of all places, discussed how the lamenting over the downsizing of E3 was rather ridiculous (here it is: http://www.playboy.com/arts-entertainment/features/guide-to-e3/e3-02.html).

    To be fair, many of the games at the last few E3’s were covered at individual Gamers Days. Those same demos would end up playing at E3, thus leading folks to wonder why E3 was important at all.

    On the other hand, why not use the opportunity to play old builds for a longer period of time to try and uncover nuggets of gameplay/story/etc., or check out games that one has NOT played and is going underrepresented?

  2. You know a phrase I would use to sum up the current game industry –

    “Hold up, Hoss, ‘cause you gots to movin’ so fast you be leaving some of us cowboys in the dust”

    (Did I mention I am just now playing “Shadow of the Colossus”?)

  3. Agree with that quote…I’m playing for the first time Wind Waker and many other Cube games, before I begin with the Wii and current gen era…when I get to “next gen” the industry will be too far away for me

  4. based on what has happened in the ‘real’ world over the past 20 years, it is evident that the gaming industry has more destructive attributes than good. true it helps youngsters develop manual dexteriority, but beyond that statistics show that for the most part, the isolation from the real world is not healthy, not just for youngsters, but for everybody who plays video games.

    why not challenge yourself in the ‘real’ world folks? an update for you all, things in the real world are far more strange and challenging than anything that can be ‘dreamed’ up in someone’s head.

    so to end, who has GAME for the real world huh? GAME ON!!!

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